Saturday, April 25, 2009

Growing up !!

A fun quiz on "Growing up Years" got me probing into my childhood and adoloscence memories. This time - conciously.

Longing for the centre-stage, and wanting to bring home that shiny medal.

..Those silent prayers and secret wishes to be like your role-model when you grow up.

..Wanting to get even with tormenting adults.

..Taking your parents for granted.

...Dreaming of having the resources to change all that you loathe (including your fake Gunn & Moore cricket bat!)

Many unbridled dreams..few suppressed desires...

A motley mix of confused thoughts...and those unambiguous eureka moments...

A view on everything but a solution for nothing...

Momentary joys that left lasting impressions...

And those never-ending moments of grief that strangely left no scar...

Misplaced fear, trepidation & routinely recurring self-doubts...

Inexplicable yearnings & bizarre cravings...

...And a very personal make-believe world...

And not to forget - the hormones going all over the place!

I am sure I am not the only one who carries such mixed and inexplicable feelings about the good ol' days.

Days, that have shaped us - for good or bad - into what we are today. And in some ways, will influence the way our children will see the world !

Our "maturity with age" is a piece of fiction. At a deeper level we continue to be what we were - malleable human beings, changing (evolving?) every moment....mostly for better, at times for worse.....Growing up is infact a WIP with no end-date.

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